Living Under The Fullness

Blue Moon HMM

Living Under The Fullness

Chin up
Sharp as  shadows
Cast on sundial’s round stone timepiece
Watch me tilt my face
I gaze
Moonward, toward the
Pregnant planet, round and white
God knows it will wane
On the other side
Of fullness
In time
And just when it splits
Bursting with
Effervescent  beams
It seems
Ready to drip
Drops of moon light bright
Down, down down
Past the Mily Way
Dropping into the sea
I will prepare my heart for the weight of waning
But for now
I am living under the fullness of glory
I am
Guided by a lone moon’s light
Comforted by the reflection suspended by still
Mirroring my life
Under the countenance of its gaze
I caress the captain of my ship
Amazed by a sleepy
One-eyed sky
All is still
I am
Held captive by a knowing
That for today
And for tonight
We are
Living drenched in moony playfulness
Held by the heavens that
Hold one
Moon and I
Under a perfectly pitched tent of ebony sky
We sing a song
Of far flung gladness
Leaves our lips
A duet of moon-soaked bliss
The notes, dance
Beneath the summer sky
My love, the moon and I.

Joining Laura Boggess for her Playdates At The Wellspring

Through A Daughter’s Eyes-The Call And Reflection

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life”.–Mary Oliver

Why I Am On The Art Bus”–by my sixteen year old daughter

When I first heard about this journey I was so not sure if I wanted to go or not. I was thinking I would have just gotten out of school so why would I want to get back on a bus again the first week of summer? I know, so selfish and so not the right state of mind.

So then I began to pray and pray about it. I felt the Lord was calling me to go. There I would be the youngest on the bus with not much experience. However there is nothing that I love more than art, children, and Jesus Christ. The more I thought about it the more excited I began to get. This was my calling and the Lord was telling me to go.

Telling people about Christ and having an art studio on wheels is just so amazing. Watching people love on this bus just brings so much joy to my heart. The fact that we can bless others as well as the Lord with the bus is just so incredible.

I have learned lots of thing while along this journey. Number one, patience is key. Trust God no matter what happens. This brings me to one of my favorite verses…”Be cheerful no matter what happens.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19. Throughout the trip I was reminded that He has a plan for us and the bus and even if we were not able to see it, He can.

I can’t believe I ever doubted being apart of this team. This again is where I will thank God. He let me see that He wanted me to be apart of this and I thank Him again for giving me the ability to be able to listen and to obey Him. I was blessed with many new friendships on this trip that I wouldn’t trade for the world I thank God for that, also.

I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for it/us when we bring it back home. It can’t be anything but good. This has been one amazing journey and I am so glad I was called to hop on board!


Waking Up The Dormant

Dormant-1.Lying asleep or as if asleep: inactive.2.Latent but capable of being activated. 3. In a condition of biological rest or inactivity.

In awe of the new.

Amazed by the spring green sprouts of life, plants, relationships, talents. God at work.

Eyes wide open.  Seeing the glory in the new birth.  New beginnings.

Fresh, fragrant aromas of potential.  Sweet smells of sleeping now awake.

And water and love and tender care are required for these fragile young shoots of life.

The gentle hand of care and nurture are called to pour out merciful love.

I have been given a new old friend.  Several, more acurately.

New grace.  New opportunity.

Through God’s unfailing love and circumstances the soil of my life has been tilled with fresh offerings.  Fertilized with nutrient richness.

What I allowed to sleep, I will wake up in love.  These latent gifts, like unwrapped packages brushed off to the side in those weeks between Christmas and New Years.  Lost in abundance.  Maybe. More likely, lost in blindness and blur of self.

Like the red solo cup in the music video which follows (click on the link to view), God calls out in amazing ways.  Beautiful ways.  Uniquely wooing us to Himself.

1John 3:1 What marvelous love the Father has extended to us!  Just look at it–we’re called children of God!

This couples Lenten Bible Study pours out and holds to account.  And in just showing up how He loves us.  How he teaches and strengthens and woos. What undergirding and pouring out He can do and longs to do when we show up. What lavish, extravagant love.

Today I get a chance to spend time with my new old friend.  What extravagance.  To have a friend.  To share with a mothers heart the raising and training up and pouring into young men.

What amazing love and amazing gift that its not a solo journey across the Atlantic.  That we get to do it in community.

When we activate the gifts God gives, we anticipate the Joy.

When we fertilize the relationships and nurture the dormant gifts allowing them to grow to their fullest potential, we see glimpses of good. Investing in, spending time with, listenting to, reaching out for those people in my world. Those  God created for me.

Thats where I am called  today.  To live fully and see fully. To receive and then pour it back out in love to those in need.

To be present.

Walking through the green, measuring the new.  Spying the lush gifts which sprung up overnight.  There are precious tender gifts flung afresh by His extravagant love.  Last years latent, dormant plants and herbs are back.

They shout we are here for you to enjoy.  They whisper we were always here.  You just didn’t have the eyes to see.

And like all the new I am gazing on in this world, I am grateful.  So grateful.

Its all Grace and its all good.

And as the lyrics of this song so beautifully say, He is calling us all by name.

I don’t want to be asleep at the wheel.  I don’t want to miss a thing he has in store. His love like a dormant volcano with extravagant love can erupt any moment.

Click on the link below to enjoy this beautiful music video.  I did.
